Mighty Yogi of the Month Heather Healey Mighty Yogi of the Month Heather Healey

Mighty Yogi of the Month: August 2016

Name: Kelly Brown

What fuels you? Bananas.

What do you love most about your yoga practice?
I love seeing progress the most, but not necessarily in my poses. Honestly, my motivation comes from the progress I see in the way I think and perceive the world off my mat.

What's the best advice you've ever received? “Listen to your conscience.”

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Mighty Yogi of the Month Heather Healey Mighty Yogi of the Month Heather Healey

Mighty Yogi of the Month: July 2016

Name: Mike Webb

What makes you Mighty? 
My resilient nature. 

What's your yoga story? How did you start practicing?
My first exposure to yoga was in acting class where I met a fellow student who exuded a magnetic glow that I wanted. I was curious what was the source of this glow? I asked him what he did? He said, “I teach Yoga.” I was intrigued by the idea of trying yoga but I was afraid I would not be good at it.

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Mighty Yogi of the Month Heather Healey Mighty Yogi of the Month Heather Healey

Mighty Yogi of the Month: June 2016

Name: Sarah Louise-Scheiber

Favorite Pose: Half Moon

Yoga is. . . a Phenomenal Journey into myself.

Why do you love most about yoga?  That I cannot hide or ignore where I am at when on my mat. I know when my shit comes up, where my shadow blocks my light and where my ego is out of alignment, just as I know when I am authentic, congruent and pono.

What fuels you?  Deep conversations with clients and friends. The ones that can foster the “ha” moments in which we gain an entirely new perspective ourselves and our situations.  

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Mighty Yogi of the Month Heather Healey Mighty Yogi of the Month Heather Healey

Mighty Yogi of the Month: May 2016


Name: Hannah Wilhelm

Occupation: Student

Favorite yoga pose: Pyramid Pose (Parsvottanasana)

What do you love most about yoga? Being part of a community of people who practice. Although we all do this for many different reasons and in many different ways, there is a beautiful sense of connection about it.

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Mighty Yogi of the Month Heather Healey Mighty Yogi of the Month Heather Healey

Yogi of the Month: March 2016

Name:  Cassie Barrows

Occupation: Nursing/Nursing student

Favorite Yoga Pose:  Any pose that I wasn’t able to do in the past that I’ve noticed has changed or grown for me in some way…  This obviously changes, but at the moment I’m loving half-moon with the bind.  It allows me to feel totally free and expansive. 

Yoga is… Breath. Movement.  But I’m starting to see that yoga is actually everywhere!  It’s the pauses and the awareness of our body and spirit in stressful moments when we aren’t actually on the mat…  If yoga is breath and movement, then it’s something we actually do our entire lives.  Some of us embark on a journey to deepen our awareness of ourselves, our breath, and how we move, and that is yoga.  A deeper understanding.

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From Our Teachers Heather Healey From Our Teachers Heather Healey

Message from Emma

To my mighty, Mighty family,

As many of you have heard through the grapevine that is a small town and a small yoga community, I am moving to Montreal. After almost six years in Ithaca and five years at Mighty Yoga, I will be moving in order to live with my partner while he completes a post-doc at McGill University.

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