Leslie Rosemann

My first experience with yoga was about 30 years ago when my intuition led me to a beach in Lake Tahoe. I remember loving the breathing exercises and connecting with myself and the nature around me.  Later that year I gave my mom a yoga video of Erich Schiffman for Christmas, that video would later change my life. A couple of years later, after the birth of my son, she gave the video back and that became my first real yoga practice. 

My yoga practice at first was in my own home and I really noticed how much better I felt both physically and emotionally  with a daily practice.  This led to exploring many different styles of yoga and chanting and I have enjoyed all of them for different reasons.

Since a young child I have loved giving massage and I became a massage therapist in 2001 and have had a very full career, my motto was “Helping change the world one body at a time”.  In 2007 my passion of helping myself and others feel good in their bodies led me to take a 700 pilates teacher training becoming a pilates instructor.  I have taught pilates both privately and in classes for over 15 years.  I realized this passion let me teach people to take care of themselves and I could also help more people this way. 

In 2014 I had a car accident which left me limited and in a lot of pain. For years I was managing the pain and a few years later I was teaching at a studio and started to do a lot more yoga and I really started to notice the difference at this point in life. I started thinking about taking a teacher training to dive deeper into the different aspects of yoga for myself. It took me a few years and a pandemic to finally make that commitment to my yoga journey. What I found was a renewed love for connecting with myself, my yoga practice and helping create that connection for others.  It seemed like the natural thing to start teaching. My goal is to make yoga accessible to everyone no matter their ability and create a sense of connection with themselves and community. I strive to make a class challenging, safe, and nourishing for the body, mind and spirit.

My passions off the mat include watching cooking shows and cooking new and interesting cuisines. I love being in nature hiking, biking, kayaking and gardening and canning my own food. I really enjoy saunas, singing, chanting and leading gatherings and retreats. My husband and I own a farm in Trumansburg where we have built an event center where we host parties and it will be open to the public to have parties as well in the future. 


Lara Green


Lindsey Cox